
Secret Ending Restored in The Witcher 3 by Modder

Secret Ending Restored in The Witcher 3 by Modder

A passionate Witcher 3 modder has uncovered and restored a significant chunk of gameplay that was originally cut by developer CD Projekt Red. This extended ending, detailed by YouTuber xLetalis and modded by glassfish777, offers fans a deeper conclusion to the game.

The restored content begins after Geralt’s battle with Eredin. Instead of being rescued by Yennefer, Geralt wakes up in a tent with two doctors placing a bet on his survival. Geralt’s witty response, “I’ll take that bet,” marks the start of this extended ending.

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New Interactions and Plot Twists

Secret Ending Restored in The Witcher 3 by Modder

Geralt’s new journey includes various dialogues with Yennefer and Triss, depending on the player’s romantic choices. He inquires about the war’s outcome, learning about the Skelligans’ retreat after Crach an Craite’s death. The cut content also includes scenes with background characters from Cintra and Nilfgaard, adding depth to the game’s lore.

Geralt attends Crach’s funeral, meeting Triss along the way, with different scenarios based on the new ruler of Skellige. The most dramatic twist is Yennefer’s betrayal of the Lodge of Sorceresses to save Ciri, striking a deal with Nilfgaard’s emperor. This decision has significant ramifications, offering players different responses that affect the story’s conclusion.

Modding Tools Unleash Creativity

This discovery follows the release of REDkit, an official modding tool from CD Projekt Red, enabling fans to create and edit game content. While the developer likely didn’t anticipate fans unearthing cut content, this tool has opened up new possibilities for modders. Other mods include Geralt riding a fiend and recreating the original game within The Witcher 3’s engine.

Though The Witcher 3 won’t receive new official content beyond its 2022 updates, fans eagerly await new projects from CD Projekt Red. The next mainline Witcher game, codenamed Polaris, is expected no earlier than 2025, alongside a remake of the original game and a multiplayer spin-off.

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