
The Assassin’s Creed Red game has live service and battle post elements

The Assassin's Creed Red game has live service and battle post elements

In 2021, Ubisoft unveiled a mysterious project named Assassin’s Creed Infinity. This project serves as a special hub for all Assassin’s Creed games, connecting them together. Tom Henderson, in a recent report, referred to the live service elements of the game Assassin’s Creed Red. He claims that the new Assassin’s Creed game set in Japan bears many similarities to a live service or online product.

The Infinity project allows all games and titles in the Assassin’s Creed series to be launched with a single click. There’s no longer a need to install each game individually; instead, access to them is made possible through a special hub. However, the main goal of this project is to provide an item store. Players can purchase cosmetic items like outfits and skins and gain access to projects offered to them through the battle pass. In other words, the live service formula is being applied to a narrative-driven game.

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Recent games in this series like Assassin’s Creed Valhalla also had some live service elements. Most players did not attach much importance to the online portion and focused on the overall game experience. Tom Henderson says that the Assassin’s Creed live service project, introduced by Ubisoft as Infinity, will be available upon the release of Assassin’s Creed Red. Players will encounter elements like battle pass for the first time and will experience a different approach to a narrative-driven game.

Assassin’s Creed Red Game and Ubisoft's New Project

Assassin’s Creed Red Game and Ubisoft’s New Project

Ubisoft’s new plan is to release a major Assassin’s Creed title every two years. In between these two major releases, smaller projects will be available. The fully online game Assassin’s Creed Invictus is scheduled for release in 2026. The Montreal studio is developing this game, and for the first time, we will witness a completely online entry in this beloved series. Another game codenamed Hexe is set to be released after 2026. This game focuses on the Holy Roman Empire and depicts the era of witch hunts.

Other projects, including a remake of Assassin’s Creed 4, are in development. Another project named Nebula is also in the works. Another remake is planned as well. A co-op or group game codenamed Raid is also on the agenda, meaning Ubisoft fans will receive at least a decade of new content. Last year, Ubisoft reallocated most of its capital and experts to Assassin’s Creed projects by canceling some projects, and it expects these new games to improve its financial situation. What is your opinion? Are you excited about Assassin’s Creed Red with live service elements?

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